Michael Kroon, Attorney-at-Law
Telephone: 650-390-0300
Facsimile: 650-390-8488

Mail to:
P.O. Box 531
Palo Alto, CA 94302



Strategy is vision, tactics is execution.

Business dealmakers formulate strategies to achieve their objectives. As business lawyers, our focus is to effectively execute those strategies by working with the product and business teams to think through the business and legal tactical details necessary for a practical and livable business relationship.

Our mission is to make our client’s life easier through creative, responsive, and cost-effective legal representation that meets the client’s needs and budget.

Our new clients come from referrals by satisfied customers and their counsel. Over the years, clients have complimented us on our cost-effectiveness, responsiveness, excellent wordsmithing, ability to quickly come up to speed on complex business and technical matters, and practical focus on the high-level strategic as well as detailed business realities of a transaction in the context of their needs and goals.

DealTactics is a service mark of Michael Kroon & Associates. (C) 2004 Michael Kroon. All rights reserved.